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Age: 15 years old
Hobbies/Interests : Painting, walking her dog and going out with friends. 


As our team manager, Chloe oversees the tasks of each member and ensures that their work is completed on time and to an acceptable standard. She also takes the lead on searching for sponsorship and other partners.


Age: 15 years old
Hobbies/Interests : Going on long walks and  going to Youth Fellowship.



Megan, being one of our engineers, models  parts of our car and  assists Katie with sketches. Megan is also currently mentoring Amy as she joined the team later  into the competition, keeping a close eye on her to ensure she is working to embrace her full potential. 


Age: 15 years old
Hobbies/Interests : Reading, designing clothes and logos.

Beth tackles the enterprise side of the teams’ tasks; quality assuring everything, managing and looking over everything to do with graphic design. She also built up both our enterprise and engineering folios with help from Nicole. 


Age: 14 years old
Hobbies/Interests : Hockey, horse riding and drama.



With mentorship from our other engineer, Megan, Amy has developed her graphics skills and her passion for engineering and Formula one. She is keen to learn and although she joined the team last, she has made a huge impact on the redesign of our car. 


Age: 15 years old
Hobbies/Interests : Painting, drawing, and reading comics.

Nicole contributes greatly to the production of our enterprise and engineering folios,. She is also responsible for our website, from the content to the design and layout.


Age: 15 years old
Hobbies/Interests : Speed Skating


For the team, Katie assists Megan with the development of the car body. Through this process, Katie has sketched parts and components of our car, while Megan has transferred Katie’s designs using CAD. Katie is our manufacturer, she machines and paints our car. 

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